Remember to Renew Your Dues
To ensure your club is in good standing and receives credit for the Distinguished Club Program, log in to Club Central and process member dues on or before October 1. Per Policy 2.0: Club and Membership Eligibility: The minimum renewal requirement is eight paid members—at least three of whom were members of the club during the previous renewal period. Don’t forget: Unpaid officers lose access to Club Central 30 days after their membership expires.
For questions, please contact the Club and Member Support team at renewals@toastmasters.org or call +1 720-439-5050 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mountain Time, Monday through Friday.

New Brand Manual
The Toastmasters Brand Manual has been updated to reflect the look and feel of existing templates and marketing materials and is easier to use and follow. Take some time to get acquainted with basic Toastmasters International brand guidelines, as well as the current design elements.
Did You Know?
New Look on Base Camp!
The Base Camp homepage has a brand-new look. Recently, this page got a refresh to make it easier to find your paths and the resources you use most. Log in to Base Camp to explore the changes and share this video with anyone who wants an overview of the new design.
Pathways Resources
With the traditional education program having ended on June 30, 2020, here are some resources to help you make the transition.
Rotary Course Flash Sheet
Are you curious about the educational content being developed for Rotary by Toastmasters as part of the alliance? You’re not alone! Use this Toastmasters/Rotary Educational Course Flash Sheet to be more prepared with information for yourself, other Toastmasters members, and Rotary members who might visit your club. It will help you quickly and easily familiarize yourself with the new Rotary educational curriculum. Remember, these courses are not available to Toastmasters members, because the content is taken directly from the more comprehensive Pathways program, already available exclusively to Toastmasters.
New Rotary Alliance Presentation
Share more information with members about the Rotary alliance by delivering the Rotary Alliance Presentation. This can be conducted in your club or during a training program. Be sure to check the notes on each slide for details.