Online Meeting Resources
In light of COVID-19, Toastmasters clubs in every corner of the world have moved online to host high-quality club experiences in virtual settings.
To support these virtual victories, World Headquarters has created special webpages filled with tips, videos, how-to meeting instructions, meeting software comparisons, online speech contest information, and a variety of branded materials to boost the visual appeal of online meetings. You will also find exclusive online magazine articles, as well as FAQs and COVID-19 news updates from World Headquarters.
To view the collection, visit the Online Meetings page on the Toastmasters website. Just a few of the new items are highlighted below.

You are virtually invited! Open your club to members and prospects alike with these eye-catching invitations.

Send us photos of your online club meetings and a brief comment on how you’re upholding our core values of integrity, respect, service, and excellence. Send to socialmedia@toastmasters.org for a chance to be featured on this webpage or on social media.
Awards Deadline Is Here
Take those last steps toward gaining your traditional education award! With June 30 marking the final day of the 2019-2020 Toastmasters program year—and the end of the organization’s traditional education program—this month is the last chance to turn in paperwork for most program awards.
Members must submit their applications for awards in the traditional program to World Headquarters by June 30, 2020, to have the credit count toward the Distinguished Club Program (DCP) in 2019-2020. For awards requiring a leadership role, such as club officer, District leader, or club coach, you can submit applications before the role has been completed, beginning June 1.
During the 2020-2021 Toastmasters year, members can continue work to complete the High Performance Leadership project (the requirement for the Leadership Excellence award) and the Advanced Leader Silver (ALS) and Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) awards, all in the traditional program. All applications for these awards must be submitted to World Headquarters by June 30, 2021. In addition, the club coach provision to earn both a club support and District leadership credit will be extended through that period.
However, only DTM awards, whether earned through the traditional program or Pathways, will count toward DCP credit in 2020-2021.
For questions, please email the Education Services Team at educationprogram@toastmasters.org or call +1 720-439-5050, extension 403.