Imagine you’ve just finished delivering what you believe is a championship-winning speech. The audience erupts in applause. You know you nailed the judging criteria, and you’re on the edge of your seat waiting for the results—only to find out you didn’t place.
The assumed reason? You went over time. This scenario is all too real. Two competitors in the 2024 World Championship of Public Speaking® were disqualified for exceeding the time limit.
One of the championship contestants, Fursey Gotuaco, believes he had gone over time and feels it’s likely he was one of the two disqualified. (Disqualified competitors in the World Championship are not identified.) Of going over time, he says, “I know I’m the only one who could have prevented it. And I should have done something about it,” he says.
Gotuaco, of Bangkok, Thailand, says he underestimated factors like audience laughter and missed the moment the timing light turned red.
His experience highlights a key lesson for all speakers: Mastering time limits is crucial, not just in contests but in every speaking opportunity. Fortunately, there are plenty of chances to practice in Toastmasters.
Why We Have Time Limits
Toastmasters International emphasizes strict time limits for good reason. It’s not just about following rules; it’s about respect—respect for the audience’s time, respect for fellow speakers, and respect for meeting agendas. Managing time well ensures meetings run efficiently and helps speakers practice delivering concise, impactful messages.
If a speaker exceeds their time limit, other meeting elements may need to be cut short, often affecting the Table Topics® portion of the meeting. Cutting Table Topics reduces member participation and practice in impromptu speaking.
Below are the most common timing guidelines for Toastmasters. (All but Table Topics speeches include a 30-second grace period either under or over the timing marks to give speakers flexibility.)
- Table Topics: 1–2 minutes (1-minute minimum to 2 minutes and 30 seconds maximum)
- Prepared speeches: typically 5–7 minutes (4 minutes and 30 seconds minimum to 7 minutes and 30 seconds maximum)
- Evaluations: 2–3 minutes (1 minute and 30 seconds minimum to 3 minutes and 30 seconds maximum)
Ending your speech either under time or over time in a contest means automatic disqualification.
For non-contest speeches at Toastmasters meetings, if you anticipate going longer than the usual time limits, it’s a good idea to check with your Vice President Education (VPE) to see if the agenda can accommodate a longer speech.

How to Keep on Time
So, how can you ensure your speech stays within time? The key lies in practice and preparation.
“Practice, practice, practice,” advises Caroline Cyr, a member of the Club Toastmasters Lemoyne de Candiac in Montreal. “Practice not in your head, but practice out loud because it’s the way you will give the speech.”
"When a speaker goes over time, That’s all I notice. I don’t hear them speaking anymore.”
—Mildred ThillCyr, who won first place in the 2023 District 61 French Speech Contest, relies on word count for pacing: “I know exactly how many words I need for a 5–7-minute speech. I highlight sentences in my script to help me stay on track.”
Mark Reynolds, DTM, a member of the Aldinga Toastmasters Club in Adelaide, South Australia, shares a similar strategy. “For me, managing time is even more challenging due to my Tourette’s (facial twitches and head movements) and stuttering. I aim for about 700 words for a 7-minute speech and review my script meticulously to ensure I don’t run over.”
Creating a shorter speech is another common-sense method for ensuring that your speech doesn’t go too long. Falk Kyser, DTM, of Beaconsfield Toastmasters Club in Montreal, practices with a stopwatch and plans for a shorter speech. He says, “I limit my speech to a maximum length of 6 minutes 45 seconds.”
Crafting a shorter speech can be challenging for contest speeches. Gotuaco reflects on the challenge of time management at the highest level. Rounds of feedback often lead to adding more content rather than trimming it.
“Everyone told me what they’d rather have in, but no one suggested what to cut,” says Gotuaco of the speech he later delivered in the championship. “I added one or two lines back in that I had previously cut out. And I tweaked the ending.”
This extra content, combined with unanticipated laughter time, contributed to him likely going over time in the championship. “I budgeted for laughter but didn’t anticipate 1,700 people laughing.”
“Don’t let the audience’s enjoyment of your speech put you at risk for going over time."
—David Brooks, DTMDavid Brooks, DTM, the 1990 World Champion of Public Speaking, advises factoring in audience reactions. “Don’t let the audience’s enjoyment of your speech put you at risk,” he says. “A chuckle in a big room is going to be two seconds. A decent laugh that is barely registered in a small group, if it is in a big group is going to be four seconds. A big laugh is going to be six or more seconds.
“So, go through your speech, rate your laughter, and put pauses in the margin: ‘plus 2, plus 4, plus 6, plus 8.’ As you’re practicing, stop and force yourself with a stopwatch to pause for that length of time before you resume.”
If you notice your speech is running long as you are speaking, having pre-planned content to cut can save you. Skipping a story or jumping to your conclusion can be effective strategies. Kyser, the member from Canada, prepares alternative shorter endings.
On the flip side, if you’re falling short on time because of speaking too fast or forgetting content, having an extra story or example ready can help fill the gap.
Another key to staying on track is paying attention to timing signals. Gotuaco admits that during his championship speech, he missed the moment the light turned red, leaving him unsure of how much time he had left.
“I saw it turn yellow but missed when it turned red,” he recalls. Knowing where the timing signals are in the room and making frequent eye contact with the timer (and thus seeing the lights) give you a better chance of seeing the timing-signal changes.
Time Management in Professional Settings
Toastmasters isn’t just training speakers—it’s preparing professionals to deliver succinct, impactful messages. “Practicing time management in Toastmasters speeches has taught me to get to the point,” says Mildred Thill of Brownlee’s Best Club in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
A speech that’s too long detracts from its overall message. As Thill observes, when a speaker goes over time, “That’s all I notice. I don’t hear them speaking anymore.” Respecting your audience’s time is crucial, whether in a Toastmasters meeting or at a professional conference.
In professional settings, the focus isn’t always on how much time you’re allotted but rather on finishing by a specific time. For example, I once had a one-hour speaking slot before lunch, following the keynote speaker, who ran 20 minutes over. Instead of taking my full time, I cut my content to finish on schedule. It wasn’t my fault that the keynote speaker spoke long, but it would have been my fault to speak past the start of the lunch break.
To keep myself on track, I time myself using a clock app, Big Clock HD (iOS), which simply tells the time in large digits without the screen going dark.
Mastering timing rules isn’t just about winning contests; it’s about mastering effective communication. Whether you’re speaking at a Toastmasters meeting, a conference, or a job interview, your ability to deliver a clear, concise message within the allotted time reflects respect and professionalism. In today’s fast-paced world, staying on time makes you a more skillful and respected communicator.
Diane Windingland, DTM is a presentation coach from Spring, Texas, and a member of three clubs: Frankly Speaking Toastmasters in Spring, Texas, and PowerTalk Toastmasters and Readership Toastmasters, both in Minnesota. Learn more at virtualspeechcoach.com.