Hybrid Club Tips
If your club is a hybrid club or looking to become one, you may be interested in some tips on how to find success with both in-person and online attendees. Spend some time reviewing the “Running a Successful Hybrid Club Meeting” document. Share it with your fellow club officers or with clubs in your District, and set some time aside to discuss how you can better suit your members’ needs in a hybrid club format.
Online Meeting Resources
Clubs and members who have struggled to adapt to online meetings can visit the Online Meetings page on the Toastmasters website for a wide assortment of resources. Under the Tools tab, find tips and infographics, virtual backgrounds and camera frames, digital ribbons, and more. Click on the How-To Videos tab to share videos with fellow members to help them get situated in online meetings. The Quick Reads tab provides a variety of articles from the Toastmaster magazine on topics like virtual meetings, video conferences, staying connected, and visiting clubs globally.

New Corporate Clubs Flier
Club Growth Directors and their teams need simplified support when prospecting. The Corporate Club Marketing Flier was designed to easily introduce Toastmasters as a professional development training solution to corporate cultures. Download this one-page PDF in the Resource Library today!
Member Profile Reminder
Every Toastmaster has an account on the Toastmasters International website if they provided a valid email when submitting their membership application. To access your member profile, log into www.toastmasters.org and click on “Login” at the top of the page. In your profile there are archives of your past educational awards, offices held, and past product order receipts, along with other records of your Toastmasters journey. If you are unable to log in, please use the Forgot Password? tool or email membership@toastmasters.org.