Have a story idea for the Toastmaster magazine?
We’d love to hear it! Submit your ideas for topics you would like to see covered by filling out this form.
Have an article you’d like to write?
To write for the magazine, please send article queries (outlines or proposals) rather than completed articles. This helps us to better guide the direction of submitted stories and ensure they fit the magazine’s editorial needs. We welcome completed article submissions for My Turn and Member and Club Success Stories, as well as nominations for Meet My Mentor and Member Moment.
Keep the following tips in mind when putting together your outline or proposal:
Topics should:
- Be relevant to an international audience (members live in 145 countries!) of Toastmasters as well as to the general public.
- Offer takeaway advice or tips, not just a summary of your own experience.
- Present something other clubs and/or members can adapt or learn from.
- Be unique and informative.
Please avoid:
- Topics or angles that overtly promote a product or service. Personal experience is fine, but articles need to offer practical tips and takeaways. Self-promotion greatly diminishes the likelihood that we will publish your article.
- Topics with any type of political angle or cultural bias.
Articles and photos about club and member celebrations and anniversaries will be considered in a very limited scope. Be sure the photos are of high resolution (at least 1MB) and interesting to look at.
The magazine is planned three to four months ahead of publication, so in January, the April issue is produced. Finally, please note that the magazine receives many submissions, and we appreciate your patience.
Visit the Toastmasters website for directions on how to submit a story, as well as the article submission form.