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Cartoon leaves outlining a green page with four images of people speaking and working

March 2025
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Love Your Club!

Readers speak about what makes their club special.

Woman standing at lectern smiling

Clubs are at the heart of the Toastmasters experience. While Toastmasters International’s mission is to empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders, the club is where it all comes together—it’s the place where members are inspired, challenged, humbled, and rewarded.

Like the people who join them, clubs have their own personality—some are relaxed and laid-back, others stick to a stricter timeline and have a more formal undertone; some embrace a culture of hugs and cheers, others prefer a more professional experience. Clubs can be the gateway to new friends, to promotions, to new experiences.

The Toastmaster magazine asked members what keeps them coming back to their club and what they love most about it. Continue reading below to see their responses.


We are like a big family. We have a really strong connection with each other and have great fun in our meetings.

Conor Donovan

Bishopstown Toastmasters • Bishopstown, Cork, Ireland

We’re just starting out, but we’re beginning with a terrific culture. We have a mentor to keep us on track, and we have a lighthearted, quick-thinking executive committee dedicated to making things fun while learning. We’re in Eagle, Idaho, and we’re called “Soaring Eagles.” Who wouldn’t want to be a soaring eagle? I can’t wait to see where things go!

Alethea Collord

Soaring Eagles • Eagle, Idaho, U.S.

From struggling to surviving, we have grown, and as we’ve grown, we have become a family. We welcome new members as family members, not just members. It is that spirit that I enjoy so much.

Keith Boles

NEA Toastmasters • Jonesboro, Arkansas, U.S.

The amazing camaraderie between members of different backgrounds, age groups, and professions is what makes me keep visiting my club again and again. Not to forget the after-meeting refreshments and snacks that we enjoy while networking.

Nusrat Huda

Chittagong Toastmasters Club • Chittagong, Bangladesh

Image of candy hearts with messages

The fun we have while we learn is the reason I love my club.

Kirti Kumar Kasat

Spoken Word • Bangalore, Karnataka, India

It’s online and easy to access from any remote location. It’s diverse and provides opportunities for new members. The leadership is very experienced.

Monica Rockwell

The Art of 400 Online Toastmasters Club • Albany, Georgia, U.S.

I love my club because we really love laughing and learning together. We’re like a huge family looking forward to seeing each other twice a month. It’s like an oasis, refreshing and recharging our batteries as we escape the busyness of life and have fun!

Joanne Schmitt

Kloof Toastmasters Business Club • Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

We are an island of misfit toys. Each of us has a different style, skill set, education/training, background story, perspective/viewpoint, reason for joining, and goals. We have an extremely diverse group. In spite of that, we each come as often as possible with our A-game to grow and help others grow; we listen before speaking, and we strive for excellence in all of its amazing forms. It’s the best club—just like all the others.

Stephanie Winn

Chatter Masters Club • Chattanooga, Tennessee, U.S.

My club members are my extended family and friends for life.

Fern Rashkover, DTM

Leadership Roundtable Toastmasters Club • Douglaston, New York, U.S.

The people! Our club’s great spirit keeps getting passed from one board to the next, and I’ve had the pleasure of making fabulous friends throughout the 15 years I’ve been a member. Our club meets in cold New Jersey where people are often hurried, self-focused, and not so friendly, but our club is a beacon of acceptance, warmness, and support for anyone who joins us! Regardless of your reason for joining, we help one another achieve their goals and overcome obstacles in a safe environment.

Wendy Moses

Essex Toastmasters • Lincoln Park, New Jersey, U.S.

Diversity, the desire for members to work on personal development, teamwork, compete in a respectable way, and the humility of people to give and receive feedback. Also, unconditional love.

Vassil Karamanov

Richland 2500 Toastmasters • Columbia, South Carolina, U.S.

I am in more than one, and I love them all for unique reasons. Eloquent Entrepreneurs is my home. They have been there since the beginning of my journey. They care about me as a person. They know my struggles and trials. They also were the ones to mentor me. I have four mentors in that one club alone who helped shape me and transform me.

Trisha Trixie Hunter-Merrill, DTM

Eloquent Entrepreneurs • Greenwood Village, Colorado, U.S.

It is a gift to get thoughtful, constructive feedback from my fellow Toasties who want to see me improve and succeed.

Michelle Wisecaver Cloud

Clear Communicators • San Antonio, Texas, U.S.

Ours is a diverse club with supportive members who genuinely want to see, and help, others succeed.

Jean Bailey Robor, DTM

Expressive Leaders Toastmasters Club • Burlington, North Carolina, U.S.

Our club is magical! Our members are kind and creative, and they have this incredible, “go-for-it-and-get-it-done” energy.

Dot Cannon

Shoreline Speakers Club • Long Beach, California, U.S.

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