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Cartoon leaves outlining a green page with four images of people speaking and working

March 2025
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9 Tips from Toastmasters

Image of clock with hands moving

1Know your material.

Speak about a topic you’re interested in and know a lot about. Reinforce your message with facts and statistics, if possible.

2Make it personal.

Use humor, personal anecdotes, and conversational language to make your speech engaging.

3Practice makes permanent.

Rehearse your speech aloud using any equipment and/or visual aids you’ll have with you during your presentation. Rehearse as often as you can.

4Practice makes permanent.

Time your speech every time you rehearse it to ensure you don’t go over the five- to seven-minute time limit.

5Pace yourself.

People tend to rush when they’re nervous, so practice keeping your speech at a calm, steady pace.

6Arrive early.

Give yourself enough time to get acquainted with the stage or presentation area. Be sure to test the microphone and any visual aids you’ll be using.


Breathe and stretch before taking the stage. Pause for a few seconds, smile, and count to three before speaking.

8Visualize your success.

Imagine yourself giving your speech: Your voice is loud, clear, and confident. Imagine hearing the audience’s applause—it will boost your confidence.

9Trust your audience.

The audience isn’t your enemy—they want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative, and entertaining. They’re rooting for you.

Watch the video below for additional tips on rehearsing for your speech.

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