The 505 Speakers Corner club of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, celebrates its 505th meeting with balloons and cake.

The Great America Speakers club of Santa Clara, California, hosts a picnic focused on sharing personal stories to allow the corporate club members to get better acquainted.

For a special meeting, the Toastmasters Club of Pune, in Pune, Maharashtra, India, had the 18 pictured Distinguished Toastmasters hold club meeting roles to give the more than 100 attendees an enlightening Toastmasters experience.
Send us your fun club photos. Include a description, your club name, number and location. Photos must be in jpeg format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch) or 1 MB (megabyte). Out-of-focus images cannot be accepted. It is not necessary to include the Toastmaster magazine or other branded materials in your photos, but if Toastmasters materials are displayed, they must reflect the current brand.