Connecting with other members is an important part of the club experience. These clubs found ways to have fun in different settings.
Young members of the Agua VIT club hold their 175th meeting outdoors, 6,000 feet above sea level, in Munnar, Kerala, a beautiful hill station and one of the most popular travel destinations in South India.
Members of Apeldoorn Toastmasters club pose at their annual barbeque party last September in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands.
The Parramatta Club in Parramatta, Australia, celebrated its 50th anniversary with over 130 people in attendance, including the club’s founder. The event featured a parade of past presidents and guest speakers.

Send us your fun club photos. Include a description, your club name, number and location. Photos must be in jpeg format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch) or 1 MB (megabyte). Out-of-focus images cannot be accepted. It is not necessary to include the Toastmaster magazine or other branded materials in your photos, but if Toastmasters materials are displayed, they must reflect the current brand.