
Toastmasters Bethany Boring

My Turn

‘Hold My Right Hand’

Bethany Boring, ACS, ALB

A man being loud at a library

Funny You Should Say That

At the Library

John Cadley

Lark Doley


Reflect and Renew

Toastmasters Gant Laborde Conference

My Turn

Cool, Not Frozen

Gant Laborde, ACS, ALB

A man pointing at a book

Funny You Should Say That

A Common Tongue

John Cadley

Harriet Cummings

My Turn

Seeing Failure Differently

Harriet Cummings

A man walking away from a chalkboard

Funny You Should Say That

The Missing Pronoun

John Cadley

Toastmasters Lindy MacLaine

My Turn

Semifinalist Inspired by Champions

Lindy MacLaine, DTM

Toastmasters Glenn Bott

My Turn

Finding a New Path to Speech

Glenn Bott, ACG, CL